Technically Trained and Certified
20/20 PI is among a very limited number of Licensed Mold Assessment/Home Inspection companies whose inspectors are technically trained and certified to perform this powerful inspection service. Infrared thermal imaging or thermography is the state of the art home and building diagnostic instrument capable of locating problems within the building structure quickly and noninvasive. We use awarding winning Fluke thermal imaging cameras for all infrared assessments. FLUKE is a leader in infrared technology, supplying the United States Government and industry world wide with infrared thermal imaging cameras.
Saving You Money
To identify areas of energy waste infrared imaging has quickly become a valued tool in identifying problems related to energy loss, missing insulation, inefficient HVAC systems, radiant heating, water damage on roofs, and much more. A thermal imaging camera identifies patterns of heat loss that are invisible to the naked eye.

Electrical Issues

Construction Defects

Leaking Roofs

Post-fire inspections After fires, IR can quickly locate remnant hot spots, assuring the fire is completely extinguished and provide invaluable data for insurance companies’ Cause and Origin investigations. The clear IR images of normally invisible diagnostic evidence can --assist in the planning and execution of the restoration effort and in the settlement process.